Thursday, March 16, 2017

I've been thinking about "grace" lately.  Especially because I am involved with a Bible study on Ruth.  Talk about a women full of grace.  Then I wanted to see what the dictionary says about grace.  Webster's 1828 definition says "favor; goodwill; kindness; disposition to oblige another."  It also gives Biblical references!  Can you believe it?  Of course, this is the 1828 publication.  The Biblical references are: Romans 11:5; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Romans 5:2; Ephesians 4:29 and 3:28; and 1 Peter 1:13.  This definition was nothing new.  It just satisfies my curiosity as sometimes words tend to change their meaning after a few centuries.

I have always been told that grace that it is a free gift from God that we don't deserve. I believe that, but Ruth was given grace and I think she deserved it.  This woman showed grace under pressure.  Imagine leavving your family and all you know as familiar to go with your mother-in-law to a land that has just come out of a famine to follow a God you only know through the love that was shown to her by her mother-in-law.  She did all this without complaining or griping or moaning.  She showed grace and obedience.  Naomi must have been quite the mother-in-law.  I have a mother-inn-law I would follow, but not everyone does.

Even when Ruth got to Naomi's hometown, she showed more grace by working in a wheat/barley field to take care of Naomi and herself.  She went from being a Moabite princess to a field hand.  Again, no complaining or griping or moaning.  I want to be Ruth when I grow up.  Why did she do all this.  It was because Naomi showed the love and grace of God.  It was clear that God was a part of her.

I God a part of you?  Do people you encounter see God's love through your actions? Does God's grace show in your attitude?  I believe Ruth is a picture of what our obedience to God should look like.  I believe that Naomi is a picture of how Christians should show God's love to others who do not know him.  As it has been said, "we may be the only Christ people see".  In other words, our actions as Christians can make or break someone's faith.

Many people do not attend church because they have seen how "so-called" Christians have treated others in the name of God.  We have to look to the Bible and the examples God has given us to show the love of God to everyone.  God created everyone and everyone deserves to feel the love and grace of God.  He can deal with them regarding sin.  Our job is to bring them to Him by being an example of grace and love.

May God grant you all the strength, compassion, grace, and love you need to spread it over your community.

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