Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Mother's Day

I was unable to have children of my own so my husband and I adopted.  It was 20 years ago.  I remember how scared we were.  We wondered if we would be good parents, if we would pass on our love for Christ, if we would train them up to be examples of Christ, if they would learn how to make it on their own, if they would be ladies and gentlemen.  It was all very scary.  We adopted 4 at one time.  All brothers and sisters from the same parents.  They were 3, 4, 5, and 6 at the time.  Two boys and Two girls.  Some thought we were saints for adopting them all.  Some just thought we were crazy.  After 20 years - all I can say, It was totally a God thing.

We have had our trials and tribulations but I just want to say to my children how much I love you all.  No matter what may have happened, no matter the mistakes we have all made, no matter where you are - I love you.  I wish I had a million dollars to shower you with all your hearts desires - but I do not.  I wish I could be there every minute of every day to comfort you when you are hurt - sad - angry- etc., but I can't.  I with we could all live close, but we don't.  I wish I could have done a better job, but that is the past.  Now, I can only hope that you can forgive me for not being able to provide all you needed.  Unfortunately, I am only human.  I do thank God that He never left you or forsook you.  He has been there from the beginning of our adventure.  He has loved you and held you close - never letting you go.  In the end, you are MY children and I love you with all my heart.  I love you tot he moon and back. You will always be MINE, you will always belong to God, Love Forever - your MOM

Saturday, May 6, 2017

How do I accomplish my purpose?

Just thinking, I keep hearing people (people being those I meet at church or church functions mostly), "What is my purpose?"  Well, I believe we all have the same purpose.  As Christ said to Peter - be fishers of men - go and make disciples,  It's not purpose we, a Christians, should be asking ourselves.  The question should be "How do you want me to accomplish my purpose?"  While we all have the same purpose, we will all accomplish it differently.  God has created us each as individuals that must use our talents, given by God and the Holy Spirit, to accomplish the task of making disciples.  As it states in Corinthians - some are evangelists, some are teachers, some are pastors, etc.  Tomorrow when you wake up - remember to ask our Lord to show you how to use your talents to accomplish the purpose.  Then thank Him for His wisdom, ask Him to be a part of your day, and ask that He remind you that you portray the Christ people see - so be on your best behavior.